Friday, May 1, 2009

Week 12

I've now completed m 12 weeks of interning with Gravity Skateboards and I've learned quite a lot, I've spent most of the time in front of the computer, improving my final cut pro skills. I've spent time learning about creating graphics and will continue to work on this. Looking for jobs on Craig's List, it's apparent that graphic designers are in demand, it's not easy to create a unique graphic in this logo-saturated world. I gained insight into the skate industry, I understand the tight-knit way in which the scene operates. I can't say I can commit my life to skateboarding and that I'd never want to work in another field, but for now it is important to me. Whether someone is a regular video-game player, a golfer, a computer programmer etc. , one feels that everyone else should be aware of the most recent happenings in that particular field. I know that this is not true, the average person's knowledge of skateboarding usually stops after Tony Hawk and the X-Games, but for me I do get the feeling that the daily happenings in the skateboard world really are important and significant.
I'm planning to continue my video-editing work with Gravity which may include editing there next full-length video- Flow II. This summer I'm planning on interning at Thrasher Magazine where I'll see another side of the skateboard industry. With the economic climate the way it is I'm not planning on getting a permanent job there, but at least I'll get more experience. Ideally I'll find a job working on websites, taking photos, making movies, or designing ads and graphics in the skateboard industry that will make me enough money to pay the bills.

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