Monday, April 27, 2009

Week 1

Finding an appropriate internship that met all of my personal expectations was not too easy; I wanted something in the skateboarding field where I would be required to do some sort of creative work. Although skateboarding by definition is an individual art form like dancing, there are many non-creative aspects to the industry. It seems that this day and age, the most important thing to company leaders is making money in these “hard economic times.” This money-oriented business frame hurts the artistic and creative aspects of this industry that are so necessary. I entered this job/internship market with the perspective of a student who wants to preserve the “fun” part of the skateboarding industry. I am optimistic in that I feel the internet will support the continuing surge of skateboarding’s popularity, it is already as popular a National pastime as football or baseball, (relative to how many kids engage in the sport) and skaters are shedding the criminal reputation that was once always associated with boarding. After applying to intern at Thrasher magazine, I decided to wait until summer for this particular company. (they’ve got a full stable of interns for the spring already) I turned my eyes south to San Diego and contacted Gravity Skateboards about interning via the internet and monthly trips down to their factory.

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