Monday, April 27, 2009

Week 4

I’ve been working hard on the footage that I filmed last week and have already finished 3 videos. I started by separating the clips according to which board was being ridden, then spent time looking for approprate music to edit to. I’m trying to keep a uniform look but at the same time have the videos all be different and worth watching solely for their skateboarding content. Once I’ve selected a song I try to create a logical order of clips (a basic formula I like to think about is to start with a ‘hook’ clip, then start with the easier tricks and finish the video with the most impressive clip). Music is a huge part of the feel of a video, so using very different styles of music will give the series variety. I’ve decided on one punk rock song, on reggae instrumental, and a classic guitar instrumental. One of the videos has already been posted: and has been well received on and with youtube’s user comments and ratings:

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