Monday, April 27, 2009

Week 10

Once again it’s been a slow week with Gravity, I’ve been doing my best to keep busy with the remaining video I have to edit and coming up with some new graphic ideas; but I have not received any instruction from Gravity since last week. I’ve finished the videos for the Carve 46”, Spoon 45”, Bertleman, Hi-Grade Wheels, and the Shred-Ranch but only the Spoon 45” has been posted to youtube. I’ve finished my Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas inspired Gravity artwork and have been trying to sketch up what it would look like as a board graphic or ad in a magazine. I’m not necessarily the best artist but I feel that I have a good eye for what is aesthetically pleasing and intriguing to the casual observer. When someone looks at a video/advertisement/website there is only a split second where the viewer decides whether or not to continue watching/browsing before he or she will move on. I like to appreciate the ads/websites etc. that are able to grab my attention in this way and hope to learn from each one. Hopefully someday I can lay out an ad for Gravity that will really catch the eye of someone flipping through a magazine.

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