Monday, April 27, 2009

Week 6

For the last few days I’ve been editing the “Shred-Ranch” podcast that I filmed last week. I’ve found a lot of architecture/building related graphics in illustrator and I’m pretty happy with the intro that I’ve come up with, I chose a song by the Beastie Boys and picked the best two minutes of footage to include. I showed the video to the guys over at Gravity and everyone is excited about it. For Gravity, this is a step in the right direction as far as connecting with more potential customers. The TV show “Built to Shred” has become very popular and having that name alongside Gravity Skateboards doesn’t hurt at all. I’d like to bring up the idea of advertising in the mainstream skateboard and surf magazines to see if the potential spike in sales would outweigh the cost of placing the ads. Gravity only runs ads regularly in a few magazines for cost reasons, but I think reaching a larger audience is important to the company.

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