Monday, April 27, 2009

Week 9

It has been a slow week of interning with Gravity, I’m in the process of editing the 27” Mini video and re-editing the High Grade Wheels video. I’m still searching for the proper song and editing style combination but I’ve got a feeling the only way I can make it up to par will be with some new footage. I’m in the same predicament with the 27” Mini video, I’m attempting to make a cool video that will grab the attention of kids and ideally get them to buy this skateboard, but without the proper footage it may lead to the opposite result. When I was in San Diego attempting to film their top-ten bestsellers, the 27” Mini was one of the boards that none of the team riders ended up riding very much, so while I have dozens and dozens of clips for other boards, I have only 3 clips of the Mini to use. In the future if I have a certain amount of different footage to obtain, I’ll give myself a much more regimented schedule and make sure to not spend too much time filming one thing while neglecting others, because in post production it’s nice to have extra footage to work with.

Another One of the graphics I've been working on...

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